Thursday, February 17, 2011

How Neandertal is Bob?

Interpretome is a new site full of tools for us DNA junkies. Here is a review of the site on Genomes Unzipped:

Konrad Karczewski one of the creators describes the Neandertal link describes the tool on the 23andme discussion board:

Thanks again everyone! Glad everyone is having fun with it!

The Neandertal tool simply takes the Neandertal genome (from Green et al: from last year), and intersects the "Neandertal-specific" SNPs with a 23andme profile. The running theory is that at some point in history, Neandertals interbred with humans after their migration out of Africa and this has persisted in human populations by way of alleles that are found in Europeans, Asians, and Neandertals, but not in Africans. The tool counts those alleles.

It's definitely not a literal "how Neandertal are you?" measure, but we've had some fun with it.

Also, to those who have said they had 19 alleles, that's the current running record. In our experience, the average for Europeans is around 12ish, lowest being somewhere around 4, and the highest at 19.

 So how Neandertal is Bob?   A little above average for a European. The list of Allele's continues, but I couldn't capture them all in a screen shot. The Neandertal gauge below!

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